
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm worried something may happen to me,so just in case.. Thank you to everybody who has been there for me through everything.. It meant more than anything else ever did.. ..and I'm sorry for not learning lessons quick enough and putting what I did learn to use better,I..
wish it didn't end this way but my heart took to drastic a blow..and I should've said something sooner but I always had dismissed physical,as it was nothing compared to the threshhold of emotional anguish I had trodden upon. Now the people in my life..always meant so much to me. In a girl so insecure about my flaws,rejections or being accepted would make or break me. The way I truly am is not so complex,though I'd always work my hardest to excercise altruism because it gave me a sense of honest fulfillment,and.. I found my plans would go arye more often than not -the pain my mistakes caused I would much rather take upon myself..but the past is unmovable..and the future mocks. So what is there to say,really? I'm sorry. Sooo sorry I couldn't be.. Enough. Indefinitely enough of fill in the blank..
..but please remember me as someone who tried :( 'cause I did.....
and I loved,though I only wished others may dare to understand..
¡hasta todavìa in sus corazònes y piensas!

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