
Saturday, December 5, 2009

All-encompassing Paradigm

This website:

I was considering the paradigm for the levels of conciousness and,being somebody who has long been eager to raise my level of awareness and state of consciousness, I reached the last 6 or so states on the list and I was left with a question:"For what reason must the benefits of these levels of conciousness remain seperate?"
I know I have experienced them simulatenous, yet my mind was not split or in any state of dissonance as you would imagine would occur based upon the implications of this article.. Hm.. Is there some sort of model that would allow these conditions to simultaneously co-exist, or at least understand with willed empathy the other states? The reason I become depressed, being bipolar, is because I allow myself to become depressed. I don't ever want to lose sight of that perspective because it would otherwise limit the extent to which I could understand others... And I know depressed isn't my natural state. My natural state is one of compassion,intuition,and empathy but it'll go beyond me,hence I write more thing than I ever dare to say;more thoughts than I would ever care to burden another with. For some,listening to some things aren't so much of a burden as a pleasure, but it's totally dependent on the person. I know that,too. Everything depends, but I guess models are for people who need definite answers..

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