
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

? when was this even

Positive spiritual development?An ever growing sense of empathy; understanding; always acknowledging our own flaws. To see all people; things as significant entities,identifying relevant ideas expressed which shape our life or shape our impressionable state of conciousness. All is one; one is all. We appreciate all details, knowing each part was necessary to contruct the specific product. We understand our potential;using our power,time,and ability for maximum efficiency.We know greater things are at work, but lament as we can only teach what we know. For example: with each ounce of pride we "earn", it was also given. So we're obliged to contribute back to society, while enjoying the pleasure that comes ienevitably as more goals are met, and positive momentum accumulates. Equal and opposite. For all pain we recieve, we have faith that there's purpose; whether it be to direct us in a new direction, or to teach us where we need to focus or have been led astray. In the midst of a great fall, you anticipate a great climb past baseline

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