
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My comment on the single video on youtube that I'd seen all day that was not littered with talk of Twilight..


"I am sooo surprised all those freakin Twilight fangirls didn't come and attack this video saying "Oh, this reminds me of this character/scene/whatever." Good. I want to stab those people in the face, because they keep invading good music videos and then rambling on about Twilight crap in the comments. "Which vampire is cuter? @.@" Really, I wish they would just gtfo. The book was overrated. It was mediocre at the most, and pretty damn boring most of the time. And I heard the movie sucked ass anyway. I wonder how much longer this stupid fad is going to keep going.. meh. Okay, I'm done ranting -^o^- *phew* Sorry, bout that. If you agree, come rant in response. I'd love to hate on it with someone. Lol. "

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