
Monday, April 20, 2009

Thinking about this last summer and the beginning of the year. It all seems like it was so recent, yet distant.. As if those times were followed by a gap in the space-time continuum. I can barely remember *him* being a part of my life at all then, though it's a perculiar feeling because I know he truly had been. And at the time it was still a major part, at that. I was pretty much a different person, but the change came somewhere between then and now; that part I can't distinctly recall. And I know that it's probably something best left in my buried memories. Surely they are laced in pain, as the stitches would unravel by the mere recollection. Now that he's out of my life, I have been much more successful in my many endeavors.. He had just been a hindering force, and a poison to my mind. Isn't this type of drama what we were cautioned of through t.v.? Where have we gone wrong, repeat past mistakes for the sole purpose of allowing them to be viewed with our own eyes as misfortunes unfold..

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