
Thursday, November 12, 2009

And I'm a bit more level again compared to yesterday,though I have no idea how long this mirage of normalcy will be endured. I can't really complain,can I? I still know that pain is better than feeling nothing,because when you feel nothing you're practically dead. This pain is a gentle reminder that it's not quite over yet.. That's how I know this isn't a dream. That's how I know to keep on... Sometimes.
Heh. It's not surprising so many writers,artists,musicians,actors,and geniuses are bipolar,is it? With such an epic battle just below the surface,we learn as much as possible with the hope of using that knowledge in order to somehow facillitate it. No such luck in half of the contendors,it seems.
Statistics,statistics.. People wonder why I am so sceptical and reluctant to rely upon them.. Well if I did,then I would have no hope. They are not at all in my favor. Considering everything,it appears they never were. Perhaps I'm just your ordinary fool;an idiot fighting fate. Or.. Maybe I was put in this position with a greater purpose.. With the assumption that I would surpass these obstacles and use the tales of my tribulations to enlighten others with the truths I had gained throughout my journey. I cannot deny what lies before me. I can't deny what is. I think,therefore I am. And you know what this fool has always said: we will make a connection when none exists simply to have peace of mind. I won't fight the beliefs I have,but I will reform them if I notice a flaw in my doctrine.

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Anonymous said...
