
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

More and more I've been thinking about the situation that appears to have befallen me.. Music.. For so long it's been something I was able to identify with and people tend to recognize it as being such a distinct part of who I am,but it's not me! I'm tired of the impossible standards I set and try to uphold.. It's such a structure set of expectations that it all seems pointless. I need to start over from ground 0,I think.. Even if it's to rediscover myself. I am not what I do. I am seperate from my thoughts and actions,therefore I have the ability to influence them. Still,I tend to wish the process of death would hurry up. Things would be alot less complicated =_= I'm in so far over my head..
I bring about my own failure,anyways.. I just wish I knew how,exactly.

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