
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ironically.../Who the fuck am I?/ Help D: I am lost

Today I was required to attend saturday school. And in this time, I was finally gifted the opportunity of being able to catch up on reading a certain book. "Glass", by Ellen Hopkins. I have previously read "Impulse", "Burned", and "Crank"; next on my list is "Identical", which is a new release. Glass is a sequel to Crank, which are both the name of Methamphatamine. Aka, SPEED. Sound familiar?

Fuck. It calls me again, so longingly. Another of my previous addictions...............


I tried to ignore it.. but... just now it won; my arm is left bleeding. And the night is not over. I have the weapon in my hand right now... things are going to go from bad to worse. Not to mention the sick obsession of suicide. I.. want to die.

Still, I want it to bleed more. Hurt more. Worse than I hurt. To match how I feel. To surpass it. To distract from it. To lose me. Lose that part.






Notion said...

damn man sounds bad how did you get addicted to that

AwkwardGirl said...

I wasn't actually addicted to meth, just my stimulant adhd med Adderall. oo sorry I didn't response.. I never noticed the comment.