
Monday, December 8, 2008

No.. I will never race with you to the river.....

"Will you race with me to the river?"

I want you to know that I long resigned the race to the river.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when it came to die, discover I had not lived at all."- Henry David Thoreau

..We are not made to shape our lives -it is life that molds us.Wisdom surrounds us, ripe for the taking,yet people willingly wallow in ignorance;claiming to be preoccupied with matters of greater purpose and constantly focused so intensely on their goal that beauty passes..Can such loss be excused?Who should judge that any matter should overshadow the next..?To cast in stone "truth" backed by opinion,perspective,and percieved importance,but downplay the ideas of another? Our ideas all are of equal potential. There is no right, nor wrong. No one can prove otherwise, and this fact is a cause of conflict and argument and if you disagree, I refuse to agrue.

Peace and Love, J.G.

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